How to Strip Cloth Diapers

Cloth diapers are a popular and eco-friendly choice for many parents, but they do require regular maintenance to keep them in top condition. One important step in maintaining cloth diapers is stripping them. Stripping cloth diapers involves removing any build-up of detergent, urine, or other substances that can cause odors or affect their absorbency.

It may sound intimidating, but stripping cloth diapers is actually a straightforward process that can be done in a few easy steps. In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about how to strip cloth diapers like a pro, including the tools you’ll need and the step-by-step instructions for the process. By the end of this guide, you’ll be an expert at stripping your cloth diapers and keeping them in top condition.

What Is Stripping?

what is stripping? - how to strip cloth diapers

When it comes to maintaining cloth diapers, stripping is an important step that many parents may not be familiar with. But what exactly is stripping and why is it necessary?

Stripping is the procedure used to get rid of any buildup of detergent, urine, or other materials that could condense over time on cloth diapers. This accumulation can result in smells, decreased absorbency, and even diaper leaks. The process of stripping aids in returning the diapers to their initial state and ensuring their continued functionality.

Cloth diapers can be stripped using a variety of techniques, including as hot water, specialized detergents, or an additional rinse cycle. Depending on the kind of cloth diapers you have and the amount of buildup on them, a certain technique will be employed.

It’s crucial to strip cloth diapers on a regular basis, especially if you detect any buildup symptoms like odors or diminished absorbency. After using specific detergents or fabric softeners that could leave residue on the diapers, it is also advised to strip cloth diapers. You can ensure that your cloth diapers continue to perform at their peak levels and ultimately save money by maintaining a regular stripping schedule.

When Is the Right Time to Strip Cloth Diapers?

Stripping cloth diapers is an important step in maintaining them and ensuring they continue to function properly. However, many parents may not be familiar with the process or may not know when the right time and how to strip cloth diapers properly.  It is recommended to strip cloth diapers regularly, as part of your routine maintenance schedule. A good rule of thumb is to strip them once a month or as needed. However, there are certain signs that may indicate it is time to strip your cloth diapers.

One of the most obvious signs that it’s time to strip your cloth diapers is if you notice any odors. If your cloth diapers have an unusual smell, it’s a good indication that there’s build-up on them that needs to be removed. The build-up can be caused by various things such as detergent residue, urine, or other substances that can accumulate on the diapers over time. This build-up can lead to an unpleasant smell and can also affect the absorbency of the diapers.

If you discover that your cloth diapers are no longer as absorbent as they once were, there’s another indication that it might be time to strip them. Your cloth diapers may need to have buildup cleared out if they are not holding as much liquid as they should. Buildup may result in clogged cloth diaper fibers, which may reduce the absorbency of the diapers.

If you recently used a certain kind of detergent or fabric softener that might have left a residue on the diapers, you should also strip your cloth diapers. Cloth diapers can accumulate buildup from some detergents or fabric softeners, which can reduce their absorbency and produce unpleasant odors. It is always a good idea to check the manufacturer’s instructions or do some research before using any new detergents or fabric softeners on your cloth diapers.

Another indication that it may be time to strip your cloth diapers is if you have recently experienced diaper leaks. Diaper leaks can be caused by various things such as improper fit or build-up on the diapers. Stripping the diapers can help remove any build-up and restore them to their original condition, which can help prevent future leaks.

In general, it’s critical to recognize the telltale signals that it’s time to strip your cloth diapers and include stripping in your normal regimen of cloth diaper maintenance. By doing this, you can make sure that your cloth diapers continue to work as effectively as possible, save money over time, and give yourself the assurance that your baby is wearing clean, fresh diapers.

Keep in mind that preventing build-up in the first place is preferable to frequently stripping the diapers. You can accomplish this by rinsing your diapers thoroughly, using the right detergents, and watching out for overloaded washing machines. You won’t need to strip your cloth diapers as often if you do it this way.

Guide How to Strip Cloth Diapers

guide how to strip cloth diapers - how to strip cloth diapers

A crucial step in caring for cloth diapers and ensuring their continued functionality is stripping them. When you strip cloth diapers, you take out any accumulation of detergent, urine, or other chemicals that could smell bad or reduce their absorbency. There are various ways how to strip cloth diapers, and each has advantages and disadvantages. The many techniques for stripping cloth diapers will be covered in detail.

  • Using hot water and special detergents

This method involves washing the cloth diapers in a solution of hot water and a special stripping detergent. The detergent helps to break down and remove any build-up on the diapers. This method is effective for removing build-up and odors, but it can be time-consuming and may require multiple wash cycles to achieve the desired results.

  • Adding an extra rinse cycle

The cloth diapers are washed as usual using this technique, but the washing machine also receives an additional rinse cycle. This aids in removing any last-minute accumulation or residue on the diapers. This procedure takes less time than using hot water and specialized detergents, but it might not be as good at getting rid of odors or heavy buildup.

  • Using a solution of baking soda and water

This technique entails creating a solution by combining baking soda and water, then soaking the diapers in the solution for a while. Because of its well-known cleaning abilities, baking soda can aid in removing buildup and odors from cloth diapers. This approach is straightforward and may be carried out with everyday objects, but it might also require several soaks to produce the desired effects.

  • Using RLR Laundry treatment

This method involves adding RLR to the wash cycle and it’s a special laundry treatment that is specially formulated to remove build-up from cloth diapers. RLR is a very effective method for stripping cloth diapers and it only requires one wash cycle to achieve the desired results. It’s also safe for all types of cloth diapers, including those with elastic or PUL.

It’s important to note that when stripping cloth diapers, you should always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific brand of cloth diapers. Also, it’s worth to try different methods and see which one works best for you, your washing machine and your cloth diapers. Stripping cloth diapers regularly is an important step in maintaining them and ensuring they continue to function properly, keeping your baby safe and comfortable.


Stripping cloth diapers is an essential step in preserving them and ensuring that they continue to function as intended. By stripping cloth diapers, you remove any buildup of detergent, uric acid, or other substances that can cause them to smell terrible or lose some of their absorbency. There are numerous approaches to stripping cloth diapers, and each has benefits and drawbacks. One more rinse cycle, mixing water and baking soda, using RLR laundry treatment, and using hot water and special detergents are the main methods.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that when stripping cloth diapers, you should always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific brand of cloth diapers you use. It’s also beneficial to try out different methods to see which one works best for you, your washing machine, and your cloth diapers. A vital component of maintaining cloth diapers and ensuring sure they continue to function well, keeping your baby safe and happy, is routinely stripping them.